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out url icon Recercat Biological implications of recreational shore angling and harvest in a marine reserve: the case of Cape Creus Font, Toni ; Lloret Romañach, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Biological implications of recreational shore angling and harvest in a marine reserve: the case of Cape Creus Font Payeras, Toni ; Lloret Romañach, Josep
out url icon Recercat Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction Brosset, Pablo ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Fauvel, Christian ; Van Beveren, Elisabeth ; Marquès, Virginie ; Fromentin, Jean-Marc ; Ménard, Frédéric ; Saraux, Claire
out url icon Recercat Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction Brosset, Pablo ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Fauvel, Christian ; Van Beveren, Elisabeth ; Marquès, Virginie ; Fromentin, Jean-Marc ; Ménard, Frédéric ; Saraux, Claire
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction Brosset, Pablo ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Fauvel, Christian ; Beveren, Elisabeth van ; Marquès, Virginie ; Fromentin, Jean-Marc ; Ménard, Frédéric ; Saraux, Claire
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction Brosset, Pablo ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Fauvel, Christian ; Beveren, Elisabeth van ; Marquès, Virginie ; Fromentin, Jean-Marc ; Ménard, Frédéric ; Saraux, Claire
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 octubre 2016 Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction Brosset, Pablo ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Fauvel, Christian ; Beveren, Elisabeth van ; Marquès, Virginie ; Fromentin, Jean-Marc ; Ménard, Frédéric ; Saraux, Claire
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2019 Bottom trawling impact on benthic communitites of both maërl and muddy habitats: a case study in the Costa Brava (NW Mediterranean) Casas Canales, Gloria
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 novembre 2009 Canvi de papers: estudiant actor, professor observador Casadevall, Margarida ; Delgado Sureda, Eulàlia ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
doc icon MDX 12 novembre 2009 Canvi de papers: estudiant actor, professor observador Casadevall, Margarida ; Delgado Sureda, Eulàlia ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
doc icon TDX 4 setembre 2015 Climate change and the expansion of thermophilic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean: the importance of studying condition and reproduction to understand the increase in their abundance Villegas Hernández, Harold O.
out url icon Recercat Climate change and the expansion of thermophilic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean: the importance of studying condition and reproduction to understand the increase in their abundance Villegas Hernández, Harold O.
doc icon DUGiDocs 4 setembre 2015 Climate change and the expansion of thermophilic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean: the importance of studying condition and reproduction to understand the increase in their abundance Villegas Hernández, Harold O.
media icon DUGiMedia 19 setembre 2009 Com evitar perdre el potencial que ens ofereix l’ecosistema bentònic marí Demestre, Montserrat ; Lloret Romañach, Josep
out url icon Recercat A comparative analysis between recreational and artisanal fisheries in a Mediterranean coastal area Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Font, Toni
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 A comparative analysis between recreational and artisanal fisheries in a Mediterranean coastal area Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Font Payeras, Toni
media icon DUGiMedia 18 setembre 2010 Debat. El que traiem del mar Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Gacia, Esperança ; Sardá Borroy, Rafael
doc icon DUGiDocs 2019 Dossier: Els efectes del canvi climàtic. La tropicalització del mar Casadevall, Margarida ; Lloret Romañach, Josep
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Dossier: Els efectes del canvi climàtic. La tropicalització del mar Casadevall, Margarida ; Lloret Romañach, Josep
media icon DUGiMedia 18 setembre 2010 Efectes de la pesca recreativa sobre espècies costaneres Lloret Romañach, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2013 Effects of artisanal fisheries on the scorpaenids (Scorpaena spp.) reproduction in the marine protected area of Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) Muñoz Frigola, Marta ; Lloret Romañach, Josep ; Vila Espuña, Sílvia
doc icon TDX 5 febrer 2016 Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
out url icon Recercat Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 febrer 2016 Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2019 Estudi de les comunitats d’heterobranquis a dos hàbitats Bosch Altimiras, Margot
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